a library of entertainment at
your fingertips

Stream hit movies and series
on any device, ad-free.
All you need is a library card.

your library,
our movies

biblio+ partners with libraries to provide communities with free and unlimited access to groundbreaking film and captivating television.

unlimited streaming
on any device

Stream unlimited movies and series on any device, ad-free with biblio+.

we're reimagining
what a library can be

Library patrons can stream our diverse collection of award-winning entertainment, from independent discoveries and thoughtful documentaries to movies and series the whole family can enjoy, and more.

we're reimagining
what a library can be

Library patrons can stream our diverse collection of award-winning entertainment, from independent discoveries and thoughtful documentaries to movies and series the whole family can enjoy, and more.


What is biblio+?

Is biblio+ really free?

Does my library offer biblio+?

What can I watch on biblio+?

What do I need to get started?